JARL Translator needed for FO-29 status

Hi to the group. Rather than speculate on the status of FO-29, perhaps someone with some Japanese/English ability could monitor the Japanese pages of the JARL site,
as the English pages are not in sync with the Japanese.
Specifically this page that may be FO-29 related as it has a FO-29 graphic and is dated 23 Apr 07
I have not been successful installing the Japanese language pack into IE7. Even then, I don't know if a cut and paste into Babelfish http://babelfish.altavista.com/ would give us anything understandable.
73, Alan VE4YZ AMSAT 35968 http://www.mts.net/~ve4wsc/ http://www.mts.net/~ve4wsc/ AMSAT A-485

Translation of the JARL FO-29 note:
* The analog repeater of amateur satellite "Fuji 3" ceased operation. (Directing to the investigation and restoration of cause, we request the your help in gathering information)
The amateur satellite "Fuji of JARL 3" (FO-29 and 8J1JCS), used the regular analog system continuously, but it was verified that the analog repeater, whose operation was expected and which was operating on 2007 April 21st has stopped.
Presently, the control bureau is directing an investigation of the cause, collecting information of what happened before the repeater stops. If you collected and/or analyze telemetry, it can helpwith the future restoration and planning of the command station. We ask you to help us by providing the following information regarding "Fuji 3" to the JARL technical section.
1. after 2007 April 20th 16: 00 (JST): CW telemetry data 2. after 2007 April 20th 16: 00 (JST): repeater operational details/observations (CW telemetry for the repeater including those times when it is operational or not operational) 3. If there are phenomenon which you believe relevant, such as signal strength and reception circumstance please send.
To help in the restoration of Fuji 3 we request the cooperation of everyone.
Alan Thoren wrote:
Hi to the group. Rather than speculate on the status of FO-29, perhaps someone with some Japanese/English ability could monitor the Japanese pages of the JARL site,
as the English pages are not in sync with the Japanese.
Specifically this page that may be FO-29 related as it has a FO-29 graphic and is dated 23 Apr 07
I have not been successful installing the Japanese language pack into IE7. Even then, I don't know if a cut and paste into Babelfish http://babelfish.altavista.com/ would give us anything understandable.
73, Alan VE4YZ AMSAT 35968 http://www.mts.net/~ve4wsc/ http://www.mts.net/~ve4wsc/ AMSAT A-485
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participants (2)
Alan Thoren
Robert McGwier