Re: Satellite Rigs, whats available

I'd recommend the Yaesu FT-847 over the Icom for these reasons:
1. The 847 has 160M thru 70cm in one box. This means that when AO7 comes up in mode A, you don't have to use a separate rig for the 10M downlink. You'll have all the other bands as well, 160, 80, 60, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10, & 6 meters, as well as 2 meters and 70cm
2. The 847, which is out of production, can be had for much less money than an IC910. I got mine for about $850. I typically see 910's selling used, without the 1.2GHz option, for about $1,000.
3. You can more easily find and install a different mike on an 847, since they don't require a special type of mike.
4. The IC910s I've dealt with tend to develop a situation where the displayed frequency does not match the actual frequency. 2 meters is usually about 3 KHz off while 70cm gets about 9 KHz off. This can get nasty to use for someone who's not familiar with the rig.
5. CAT control of the rig is as simple as running a null-modem cable from the back of the rig to a serial port on your computer. The 910H requires a CTV or whatever they call it to interface to your computer.
6. While it doesn't have a 1.2GHz option, you can still use a transverter, which tends to be much less expensive than the Icom 1.2GHz optional unit.
7. It is also packet-ready, as well as all the other digital modes.
8. DSP filtering is built-in and comes standard.
9. Less menu driven than the Icom unit.
In short, the 847 is more versatile, easier to interface with the rest of your station, and less expensive than the Icom.
73 de W0HV, Jim in Raymore, MO (ex-N8AU)
Light travels faster than sound... This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 10:03:50 -0600 (GMT-06:00) From: George Henry [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Satellite Rigs, whats available To: [email protected] Message-ID: <
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Other than my old Drake B-line twins with the 2-meter transmit and receive converters (think RS-10/11, RS-12/13, and RS-15), I have only used the Icom IC-275/475H combo and the 910H. After borrowing a 910 for Field Day one year, I immediately went out and bought my own. I didn't even look at anything else, and I love it. Sensitive RX, plenty of TX power when needed, 1.2 GHz with the optional UX-910, easy to interface to the computer, 9600 packet-ready, and great for terrestrial work as well. I have the DSP and high-stability options in mine, as well.
George, KA3HSW
-----Original Message-----
From: MM [email protected] Sent: Nov 30, 2007 7:33 AM To: Amsat-BB bb [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] Satellite Rigs, whats available
Satellite Rigs, what?s available
I am planning on building a new satellite club station for an organization. I am now putting together a bid for the club satiaton. The only glitch is what radio to use. The primary usage for this satellite club station will be FM Satellites and Leo?s. I would prefer to use a dedicated Satellite Rig and not a HF rig with 2 meters and 440 stuffed in. I have used the Icom-910 and the legendary Yaseu FT-736R. The Yaseu FT-736R has been out of production for many years, however I am seriously considering buy a few for the club station on the used market. The built in FM center tuning meter and the Normal and Narrow FM filers make it ideal for this type of setup.
So what is out that that?s new?
Thanks, Miles wf1f
PS, ISS was back on Packet last night 145.825 simplex.
_______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
End of AMSAT-BB Digest, Vol 2, Issue 750 ****************************************

Reicher, James wrote:
- You can more easily find and install a different mike on an 847,
since they don't require a special type of mike.
Do you refer to the situation where people had to buy for example Heil IC headset for older Icoms. Recent models (756Pro1/2/3 etc) should work with normal mikes. Which category IC910 belongs to? Old or new? I have normal Heil here unused. Maybe it could be hooked to the 910?
In short, the 847 is more versatile, easier to interface with the rest of your station, and less expensive than the Icom.
There are something where Yaesu didn't succeed.
Audio volume potentiometer at low levels, cooler fan (no thermal control to switch it off), repeater shift and ctcss/pl tone saving problems.
I do not own either of these. But I have used 847. I have something older rig for now.
Rolf oh6kxl
participants (2)
Reicher, James
Rolf Moberg