I just updated the schedule for AO-92 at https://www.amsat.org/satellite-schedules/ Note the camera pass is over the Caribbean and South America. We may not get many images due to the spacecraft attitude, but I thought we should try. Please pass the word that we need FoxTelem users submitting high speed data over these areas to get any images.
Thanks and 73, Drew KO4MA
AMSAT VP Operations
AO-92 operations are scheduled among the U/v FM repeater, L-Band Downshifter, Virginia Tech Camera, and the University of Iowa's High Energy Radiation CubeSat Instrument (HERCI). Please keep the uplink clear during passes with scheduled mode changes.
For the week of 18-24 Mar 2018, the following mode changes are scheduled:
Approximately 1500UTC 18Mar we will enable the L band uplink for ~24 hours
Approximately 1345UTC 22Mar we will enable the VT camera and high-speed data for ~40 minutes. This is a Caribbean and South America pass. Please be ready to copy high-speed data with FoxTelem, and keep the uplink clear at 1345UTC.
All other times the U/v repeater will be open continuously.
participants (1)
Andrew Glasbrenner