2nd IAA Conference on University Satellites Missions

Dear Colleague:
We are pleased to announce the
*Call for Papers for the *
*2nd IAA Conference on University Satellites Missions*
*and Cubesat Winter Workshop*
to be held in Roma (Italy), from 3rd-9th February 2013 , under the main sponsorship of IAA, GAUSS Srl, ESA, ASI, Italian Air Force, Sapienza University of Roma, Morehead State University (Kentucky), Von Karman Institute, FILAS, BCC Roma.
The Conference has the goal to provide the international space community with a forum for presentations and discussions in the area of University Satellites. Particular emphasis will be given to the theme:**
*Innovative aspects related to science and engineering*
* for university satellites*
During the conference three days will be completely dedicated to the Cubesat community.
Inside the Conference three days are completely dedicated to Cubesat community.
Some of the proposed topics are:
*Space Environment, Remote sensing and Earth observation, Innovative solutions for university satellite subsystems, Launch opportunities, Space Debris, Ground Segment and Stations Network, New Perspectives for Cubesats, Cubesats Future Payloads and Experiments, Satellite Orbit and Attitude Determination and Control, Micro-propulsion Subsystems, University Platform for biomedical research in Space, Formation Flying, Cubesat In- Orbit Experience, Cubesats Scientific Missions and “applications” activities.*
The preliminary program, logistics, and registration information, exhibition stands informations may be found on the symposium website at www.gaussteam.com in the events section.
Open space is also available upon request for building exhibition stands: if interested please send an email to [email protected] with subject "*Exhibition*".
We hope to see you there.
Filippo Graziani, G.A.U.S.S. President and IAA member, Conference Chair
*Important Dates*
Abstract Submission Deadline*: December 17*th* 2012*
Acceptance Notification*: December 22*nd* 2012*
Paper Submission Deadline*: January 25*th* 2013*
Selected Papers will be published on the “Proceedings of the 2nd IAA Conference on University Satellites Missions and CubeSat Winter Workshop” by International Academy of Astronautics and G.A.U.S.S. Srl
participants (1)
IAA Conference University Satellite