I'm surprised that the trolling occurring on the BBS has aroused such strange reactions.
Surely there is a place for all space endeavors to be discussed, rationally, on this BBS (nearly said BS there!).
Personally speaking I have had great help from many on this list, including some whose (political/technical) views differ from mine.
I well remember the replies that I got from A way off topic subject a few months ago that really, really helped me out.I guess that a lot of the help etc that is provided from a request on the BBS is not seen by the majority simply because the replies are direct to the the original poster, maybe we (I) should dual post, and annoy a lot of the casual "skimmers" on the BBS?
As to having "moderators" controlling the NA AMSAT BBS I'd have to say no.
Why, well I feel that a lot of (most) folk that post are trying to find an answer to a question or simply throw something into the ring and check back for an Answer or may be open their mailbox to see if a reader has replied directly.
I'm sure others on the BBS can relate to my experiences, and can see the value in leaving the (basically self moderating) bbs as it is.
73, Don ZL1THO

Don, (et al) First, if some of our leadership doesn't hear about any dis-satisfactions amoung memers, they will not know that anything is in disarray. I have been a long time member and love to hear all that transpires through this BB. I learn that the most unfascinating thing to the overwhelming majority is LEO satellites. While they offer EZ sat capability, a one channel unit doesn't peak the skills of a conversation through staellites as on HF and VHF local repeaters. HEO type birds offer a great deal more- scheduling nets, and more contacts depending on the position of the HEO. Our members deserve information in a timely manner and this BB offers that too. I beleive in "delete" buttons and I use mine frequently with a grain of salt as needed. The information gathered here is by far a more rewarding an experience than any other distraction. Remember, our group is as active as its membership. See all in NJ at the BARA hamfest 5/31/08 in Westwood, NJ (& others) 73, Dee, NB2F NJ AMSAT co-ordinator and promoter
----- Original Message ----- From: don Date: Friday, May 30, 2008 6:59 am Subject: [amsat-bb] Re grizzles To: [email protected]
I'm surprised that the trolling occurring on the BBS has aroused such strange reactions.
Surely there is a place for all space endeavors to be discussed, rationally, on this BBS (nearly said BS there!).
Personally speaking I have had great help from many on this list, including some whose (political/technical) views differ from mine.
I well remember the replies that I got from A way off topic subject a few months ago that really, really helped me out.I guess that a lot of the help etc that is provided from a request on the BBS is not seen by the majority simply because the replies are direct to the the original poster, maybe we (I) should dual post, and annoy a lot of the casual "skimmers" on the BBS?
As to having "moderators" controlling the NA AMSAT BBS I'd have to say no.
Why, well I feel that a lot of (most) folk that post are trying to find an answer to a question or simply throw something into the ring and check back for an Answer or may be open their mailbox to see if a reader has replied directly.
I'm sure others on the BBS can relate to my experiences, and can see the value in leaving the (basically self moderating) bbs as it is.
73, Don ZL1THO _______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author.Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

I learn that the most unfascinating thing to the overwhelming majority is LEO satellites.
Me thinks you skews the facts.
If it is so "unfascinating", why is it the most popular mode?
If it is an "overwhelming majority" that hate LEO's and that want Linear transponders, then why is it that the linear birds are so underutilized that many times it is impossible to find anyone on them?
I think you confuse "Overwhelming majoirty" with loudest and most overbearing ad-nauseum complainers.
Another way to look at it could be that the wall-to-wall users on the FM LEO's could also me considerd as a pretty loud "overwhelming majority" that completely refutes your claim. They are USING the bird and demonstrating it every day.
Rather than complaining here with a keyboard, how about firing up your SSB rig, getting on the Linear birds and complain there. Put your mouth where your loyalty is. You would be at least using your favorite bird and mode and substantiating your claim, instead of arm chair complaining as a non user.
Sure these linear birds are not HEO's, but they are multi-qso. And sure I'd like to drive a Corvette and would love for AMSAT to buy me one. But I don't think it is fair to complain year in and year out about why the few do'ers in AMSAT have not bought me one yet. (Though, these days, I'd rather have a Prius)...
AMSAT is working on several initiatives to get HEO satellites. They know how valuable they are. Just stop bashing everyone else who finds it fun to work with what we have now.
While they offer EZ sat capability, a one channel unit doesn't peak the skills of a conversation through staellites as on HF and VHF local repeaters. HEO type birds offer a great deal more- scheduling nets, and more contacts depending on the position of the HEO. Our members deserve information in a timely manner and this BB offers that too. I beleive in "delete" buttons and I use mine frequently with a grain of salt as needed. The information gathered here is by far a more rewarding an experience than any other distraction. Remember, our group is as active as its membership. See all in NJ at the BARA hamfest 5/31/08 in Westwood, NJ (&
73, Dee, NB2F NJ AMSAT co-ordinator and promoter
----- Original Message ----- From: don Date: Friday, May 30, 2008 6:59 am Subject: [amsat-bb] Re grizzles To: [email protected]
I'm surprised that the trolling occurring on the BBS has
such strange reactions.
Surely there is a place for all space endeavors to be
rationally, on this BBS (nearly said BS there!).
Personally speaking I have had great help from many on this list, including some whose (political/technical) views differ from
I well remember the replies that I got from A way off topic subject a few months ago that really, really helped me out.I guess
that a
lot of the help etc that is provided from a request on the BBS is
seen by the majority simply because the replies are direct to the
original poster, maybe we (I) should dual post, and annoy a lot of
casual "skimmers" on the BBS?
As to having "moderators" controlling the NA AMSAT BBS I'd
to say no.
Why, well I feel that a lot of (most) folk that post are
to find an answer to a question or simply throw something into the
and check back for an Answer or may be open their mailbox to see
a reader has replied directly.
I'm sure others on the BBS can relate to my experiences, and
see the value in leaving the (basically self moderating) bbs as it
73, Don ZL1THO _______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of
author.Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the
satellite program! Subscription settings:
Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings:

Ah... Here in lies the learned experiences. I have gone to many HAMFESTS and I always take an informal poll of operator, members, those concerned, those asking questions- essentially- those that want to operate the satellites. I always come up with the same majority who want to get HEO's up to operate - to buy equipment to operate - to become interested enough to join AMSAT again and to DONATE monies to get HEO's up and running. Yes, I have used many LEO's, after a few conversations and the noise and carriers and the 10 minute pass, it looses its appeal. I admire those, including Bob Bruninga, that give us the APRS sats and packet type sats. We are all the same- we want AMSAT to flourish with activity and gain many members to accomplish future great projects that some members haven't even thought of yet. Just today, I've had 2 conversations with those that "used to be members" about those lost days of HEO's. I think you all get what I am saying, you too Bob, that I have had so many responsible views from would be members about what they want to have in orbit. AMSAT, can only get to the meat of our new satellites to give them an appetite to become involved. In the meantime, our BB offers some of the best listener's for assistance and experience. 73, Dee, NB2F Comment to me off line so as to NOT distract our new BB members, TNX
----- Original Message ----- From: Robert Bruninga Date: Friday, May 30, 2008 11:30 am Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Re grizzles To: [email protected]
I learn that the most unfascinating thing to the overwhelming majority is LEO satellites.
Me thinks you skews the facts.
If it is so "unfascinating", why is it the most popular mode?
If it is an "overwhelming majority" that hate LEO's and that want Linear transponders, then why is it that the linear birds are so underutilized that many times it is impossible to find anyone on them?
I think you confuse "Overwhelming majoirty" with loudest and most overbearing ad-nauseum complainers.
Another way to look at it could be that the wall-to-wall users on the FM LEO's could also me considerd as a pretty loud "overwhelming majority" that completely refutes your claim. They are USING the bird and demonstrating it every day.
Rather than complaining here with a keyboard, how about firing up your SSB rig, getting on the Linear birds and complain there. Put your mouth where your loyalty is. You would be at least using your favorite bird and mode and substantiating your claim, instead of arm chair complaining as a non user.
Sure these linear birds are not HEO's, but they are multi-qso. And sure I'd like to drive a Corvette and would love for AMSAT to buy me one. But I don't think it is fair to complain year in and year out about why the few do'ers in AMSAT have not bought me one yet. (Though, these days, I'd rather have a Prius)...
AMSAT is working on several initiatives to get HEO satellites. They know how valuable they are. Just stop bashing everyone else who finds it fun to work with what we have now.
While they offer EZ sat capability, a one channel unit doesn't peak the skills of a conversation through staellites as on HF and VHF local repeaters. HEO type birds offer a great deal more- scheduling nets, and more contacts depending on the position of the HEO. Our members deserve information in a timely manner and this BB offers that too. I beleive in "delete" buttons and I use mine frequently with a grain of salt as needed. The information gathered here is by far a more rewarding an experience than any other distraction. Remember, our group is as active as its membership. See all in NJ at the BARA hamfest 5/31/08 in Westwood, NJ (&
73, Dee, NB2F NJ AMSAT co-ordinator and promoter
----- Original Message ----- From: don Date: Friday, May 30, 2008 6:59 am Subject: [amsat-bb] Re grizzles To: [email protected]
I'm surprised that the trolling occurring on the BBS has
such strange reactions.
Surely there is a place for all space endeavors to be
rationally, on this BBS (nearly said BS there!).
Personally speaking I have had great help from many on this list, including some whose (political/technical) views differ from
I well remember the replies that I got from A way off topic subject a few months ago that really, really helped me out.I guess
that a
lot of the help etc that is provided from a request on the BBS is
seen by the majority simply because the replies are direct to the
original poster, maybe we (I) should dual post, and annoy a lot of
casual "skimmers" on the BBS?
As to having "moderators" controlling the NA AMSAT BBS I'd
to say no.
Why, well I feel that a lot of (most) folk that post are
to find an answer to a question or simply throw something into the
and check back for an Answer or may be open their mailbox to see
a reader has replied directly.
I'm sure others on the BBS can relate to my experiences, and
see the value in leaving the (basically self moderating) bbs as it
73, Don ZL1THO _______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of
author.Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the
satellite program! Subscription settings:
Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings:
Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author.Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

As one who very rarely switches on a radio, I find the launch and identify the various ejected hardware the most exciting. Once I can assimilate the keps with the orbiting hardware/junk I seem to loose interest.
I guess I'm just an engineer rather than a communicator.
Robert Bruninga wrote:
If it is an "overwhelming majority" that hate LEO's and that want Linear transponders, then why is it that the linear birds are so underutilized that many times it is impossible to find anyone on them?

At 01:29 AM 5/31/2008, Robert Bruninga wrote:
I learn that the most unfascinating thing to the overwhelming majority is LEO satellites.
Me thinks you skews the facts.
If it is so "unfascinating", why is it the most popular mode?
Well, for me, the LEOs are interesting to play with, FM or SSB. SSB does take extra skill with Doppler correction and the like. However, due to subtle lifestyle changes over the years, I do find it more difficult to get out for the specific 10-15 minutes required to work a pass, and I have to resurrect my satellite antenna (just a little mechanical work required there).
However, in this part of the world, the number of countries workable on a LEO can be counted on 2 hands. The number that actually have the necessary gear (70cm is a real challenge), well they will fit on one hand. I've managed to work VK (1-9), ZL and P29 on LEO FM. 3D2 has been worked by others, but I never got to work them myself. Long distances and the lack of UHF gear on the islands really hurts DX opportunities. At the time I was most active, 10 metres was active, and I was able to talk to some of the Pacific islanders about satellite operation, and that's when I discovered the lack of 70cm out there. Still, FM is fun in its own way, especially when you try combining it with being in unusual situations, or mobile in remote areas.
As for the linear birds, RS-10 was fun in the early 90's, worked a few on there. I didn't have as much luck with RS-12/13 (only QSOs I had there were pre-arranged), and I never had 70cm SSB to work the Fujis (or more recently, VO-52).
I haven't had the pleasure of working a HEO, but when one does appear, I'd like to give it a shot.
73 de VK3JED http://vkradio.com
participants (5)
Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF
Robert Bruninga
Tony Langdon