RTL-SDR for satellite downlink???

After seeing a article online for setting up a RTL-SDR unit with Orbitrack for listening to the downlink of satellites I have got it setup here at home but have notice a few quirks and was hoping to echange emails with anyone else that had tried this.
Also anyone else use Orbitrak for predictions?
Been watching satellites go by this afternoon comparing the locations between my trusted MacDoppler and Orbitrak and notice that even with fresh keps. that Orbitrak shows the satellite in a much different location.
The reason I trust MacDoppler as my benchmark is after comparing it to the AMSAT online predictions & current locations, MacDoppler was always 99.9% accurate.
Any thoughts while I work on some new antennas as the snow piles up outside. . .
Jacob Tennant WF8S
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Jacob Tennant