Re: [amsat-bb] Subject: Wasilla AK hamfest, Saturday (14 May) on SO-50

Craig - KL4E and Dale - KL7XJ will be hosting the Amsat table (as far as I know), so one of them will be operating. I know they would appreciate stations to work for the demo during the hamfest. There are only three hamfests in Alaska and this is the closest to Anchorage which has half the population of the state!
Your participation may excite some newcomers to get involved in hamsats; more KL7 stations for you to work!
Dale - KL7XJ is the AK Amsat Field Op (probably well known to many of you). I did that from 1997 until about 2002 under my old callsign AL7EB. Mostly, I worked AO-10 and AO-40. I've been involved in eme since 1998 that took my attention away from satellite.
I planning a come back to satellite operation once I can fit into my busy sched putting my station back into operation (looking at radios at present).
73, Ed - KL7UW "Kits made by KL7UW" Dubus Mag business: [email protected]
participants (1)
Edward R Cole