Banquet Speaker & Sunday Seminar Annouced at ARRL/TAPR DCC (Digital Communications Conference), Austin, TX, 9/5 - 9/7

The 2014 ARRL/TAPR DCC Saturday Night Banquet Speaker & Topic will be Gerald Youngblood, K5SDR presenting "Accidental Company, the making of Flex Radio"
----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Stan Horzepa To: Sent: Friday, August 15, 2014 7:12 AM Subject: [tapr-announce] DCC in 3 weeks
The 2014 ARRL/TAPR DCC will be on Friday, September 5th through Sunday, September 7th at the Austin Marriott South in Austin, Texas.
The DCC has two days of technical forums on Friday and Saturday and a concurrent introductory forum on Saturday.
On Saturday night, the banquet will feature an interesting speaker andthe Sunday morning seminar will be "Introduction to SoC FPGA Programming for Mixed Signal Systems" by Chris Testa, KD2BMH.
There will be free tables in the demo room to demonstrate projects and vendors to demonstrate products.
Time is running out, so those interested in attending should register for the DCC and make hotel reservations ASAP.
More DCC information is available at:
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Mark Thompson