Re: [amsat-bb] SatPC32 packet and ts-2000 AMSAT-BB Digest, Vol 13, Issue 156

-=-=-=- I also found i could not rig control the ts2000 and use the internal TNC at the same ariss digi is 2 meters only maybe we dont need satpc32 to control it for the passand we can switch from rig control to tnc mode ??? but I use the rig control more... I also have a signalink USB on the ACC jack but have not had enough play timeto get it working on the one 10 minute pass before work.from what I have read direwolf is the better for the sound card modemsbut im stuck now trying to get it to switch up to usb codex(2) for this radio...?? anyone ??? I also have uz7ho(sp?) modem kinda working , it decodes good but my transmit audio tones don't stay locked ???? can some one list a good working config of stuff to work the psat ? it might be nice to run that psat mode and gate the traffic into aprs network , but that is one more can of worms I have totally got out of control nowwith it displaying all of the aprs traffic on earth and i only want to see local RF.ko6kL *****************************************
participants (1)
Mr B r a d