This was sent to a local club reflector and I thought it might be of interest to my satellite ham friends.
Changes are ahead that you need to know about. GRE Electronics filled for Bankrupty after they lost there warehouse in China. GRE Electronics made Alinco Radios and GRE Police Scanners and police scanner products. Alinco Radios were not being made for several months in a row. GRE Will not come back, but Alinco Radios are now being made by Remtronix _http://www.remtronix.com/_ Radio Shack will also no longer have police scanners. All of the police scanners that Radio Shack had under the Realistic label were made by GRE. Also Grove Electronics a big police scanner supplier owned by Bob Grove is closing down. Bob has decided to retire, and with a slow economy he decided to sell everything. Grove Electronics also has decided to stop publishing the magazine Monitoring Times. the last issue of Monitoring Times will be issued on December 2013.
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