Just finished breaking down the a/v equipment, my wife is loading the dishwasher, and we are pleasantly coming down off a great "high."
Many friends celebrated this date with us in our back yard, along with our Icelandic horse and burro. (The burro's name is Edward R. Burro. If you are laughing, you are either a student of journalism, or more than 80 years of age ... (grin).)
No, the ARISSat-1 was not heard on a great pass of the ISS at 9:56PM PDT.
THANK YOU to the folks who called in via Skype! THAT was great for the party atmosphere! We got our live video feed shown to the planet, too! We showed the new First Orbit movie, along with other new and old videos.
It's been a historic 48 hours. I hope we can get the scheduling together to perform whatever maintenance needs to be done to our ARISSat-1, and have it successfully deployed soon.
Clint (now going to bed) Bradford, K6LCS
participants (1)
Clint Bradford