Greetings, all:
Bryan KL7CN/W6 here in CM98fn.
Two weeks ago, I posted here my first week's experience as a satellite newbie.
After three weeks, it's still fun. I know this because it's 6:00 in the morning in California, and I just came back inside after standing out on the sidewalk in the bitter 40-degree cold -- and yes, I can hear the chuckles from the Midwest but that's very cold for here.
I was out there the foggy dark dregs of night talking into my now- beloved IC-W32A VHF/UHF handheld radio and even more beloved tripod- mounted Arrow antenna. I met with WB9YIG, K8CXM, my co-conspirator WA4NVM, and WB9L for an early-morning club -- the FM satellite enthusiast's club! I scribbled down their callsigns and the callsigns of the others I heard into my little Moleskine notebook, all by the light of my cell phone -- an ironic choice of illumination. I waved at the couple of early-morning commuters who drove by with wide eyes and dropped jaws. They must think I am as crazy as the fellow down the street who shovels dirt around his grassless yard. What else could explain a grown man pointing a TV-antenna-looking-thing at at the sky while listening intently into a pair of iPod headphones attached to it, and all while carefully taking notes and occasionally talking into a microphone -- in the middle of the night?
I suppose the craziness of it appeals to me most. It's the frontier! It used to be unusual to have conversations with people from other countries; now it's common -- the Internet changed that. And it used to be unusual to carry around a small radio for the purpose of communicating with your friends; now it's also common -- cell phones changed that. And, as well, it used to be unusual to send short computer-based messages by wireless to your posse; now it's popular with young people the world over -- texting changed that. But talking to your friends using low-earth-orbiting satellites tracked by hand -- who does that? Crazy people, that's who: amateur radio operators!
-- bag
participants (1)
Bryan Green