New M2 Leo-Pack - hints

I've recently joined this group and I want to thank the moderator for allowing me be here. I have been reading lots of threads as I am on a Sat diet lately. My first Qs were done recently from YN land this past summer and mainly using SO-50 (thanks to those who've made it possible). Now I am all thirst for more :) The wait is over....My new Leo-Pack arrived on yesterday! I am looking for any tips on the setup of it, or mainly, what should I watch for. I opened the box to spread the parts out and ... - It is not like setting up a A4S or F12 10-40- Took me a few minutes to decipher the Dimension Sheet - Realized the need to were globes...I got that aluminum dust on my hands- Downloaded a English to Metric software to convert the inches into metric (it is easier and more precise) This antenna will go on top of an existing F12 (at roof top) using Yaesu G-5500 with other plug and play devices. LMR600 coax 60' x 2 attached to rig FT-847 / SatPC32 / Orbitron, etc. I was told my Robert at M2 to place it 5' higher than the F12 and to hope for the best :( Here in DC towers are no-no. Again, thanks for any tip anyone can provide. My email... [email protected]
Rafael A Peña NN3RP Washington, DC
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Rafael Peña