FS: Yaesu FT100D-$300

I have for sale a Yaesu FT100D HF/6m/2m/70cm all mode mobile sized radio. This is the model that does 100 watts on HF and 6m, 50 watts on 2m, and 20 watts on 70cm. It has the 500hz CW filter and TCXO as standard, as well as tone encode and decode.
It also has a built in CW memory keyer, DSP noise reduction, an autonotch, a DSP based Audio Peak Filter that is wonderful for CW, speech processor, a meter that shows power out and SWR at the same time, and quite a few more features.
It would make the nice half of a satellite station, using it to transmit on 2m or 70cm.
The case is in overall very good condition with 1 ding on the bottom corner. I bought this back in March from Ham Radio Outlet so they checked it all out then also.
The rig took a little tumble and it still works fine, but the volume shaft is bent slight, so when you adjust the volume the squelch moves right along with it. You can hold the squelch control with one hand so it stays in place, and move the volume knob with your other hand.
It comes with a hand mic, power cord, and original box. This is a great way to get on HF/VHF/UHF at the same time, and the receiver and noise blanker in this rig are very good for the mobile class of rigs.
I am asking $300 shipped for it and can take paypal/check/MO.
73 John AF5CC
participants (1)
John Geiger