Fwd: AT Golden Packet Event 17 July needs help in SW VA

An APRS Rover needed 17 July!
We just had a cancellation of the operator at Comer's Rock leaving the 2000 mile long packet chain broken in SW Virginia. Comers ROck is a driveup location (plus 50 yard walkup to the lookout with excellent 360 degree views). It is about 15 miles SW of Wythville, VA.
See site details: http://aprs.org/hamtrails/comers-rock.html
The event attempts to exchange 9600 Baud APRS packets along the entire length of the Appalachain Mountain range from Maine to GA using 14 temporarydrive-up packet digipeaters (Kenwood D7XX radios). The event lasts about 4 hours from 1100 to 1500.
Using the factory installed 9600 baud APRS radios miniimizes operational and setup risk for such a one-time event.
See overall information on this annual event: http://aprs.org/at-golden-packet.html Let me know if you can help! Bob, WB4APR
participants (1)
Robert Bruninga