Dear All,
I'm Hiroki Ashida at Tokyo Institute of Technology (JQ1YCZ). I'd like to inform you about our satellite's operation.
We started a long-run (continuous 24hours) of the APD sensor at 11:30, Jun 3 (UTC) and it will be turned off on 11:30, Jun 4(UTC). During the APD is turned on, the APD status packet can be heard everywhere in the world.
FM packets are transmitted on 437.475MHz and packet formats are available in the following web-page. http://lss.mes.titech.ac.jp/ssp/cute1.7/fm_mode_apd_e.html
4A-51-31-59-54-43-3E-4A-51-31-59-43-5A-3A-D0-30-77-B8-03-16-99 For exapmle, according to an above APD status packet we can obtain informations as; 4A-51-31-59-54-43-3E-4A-51-31-59-43-5A-3A : Header(JQ1YTC>JQ1YCZ) D0 : APD Packet ID (Fixed) 30 : Status Code APD Status : Operational HV Status : Set Value = Output Value Temp Correction : Active Data Mode : Counter Valid Detector : APD A APD Gain : Gain 30 Threshold : 219mV 77 : Temperature 0x77 = 119 -> (119/255)*91.712-48.569 = -5.7 [degC] B8 : High Voltage 0xB8 = 184 -> (184/255)*396.5 = 286 [V] 03-16-99 : Counter 0x1699 = 5785 -> 5785 * 2^3 = 46280
Latest TLE from NORAD is; Cute-1.7 + APD II 1 32785U 08021C 08154.79960534 .00000134 00000-0 24077-4 0 664 2 32785 097.9934 214.7536 0014695 178.3289 181.7972 14.81362228 5275
Though the observation data will be stored in FRAMs, we'd like to know a real-time status of the APD during the observation. Your kind reports will be highly appreciated!
Best Regards, Hiroki Ashida Cute-1.7 + APD II
participants (1)
Hiroki Ashida