Congrats to Delfi-C3 and all other Cubesat teams

I am happy to hear that the PSLV-C9 has safely delivered all the new ham satellites in their orbit. My congratulations to all the people who have worked on this. Also to the ISRO team, as I met some of them in 2005.
In 2005 the PSLV-C6 was the rocket that brought my transponder onboard VO-52 into space, and now some 3 years later the Delfi-C3 added another Dutch transponder in space. It gives a great feeling when after many hours of work the satellite is safe in space and doing its job.
Even after 3 years the memory that is still clear in my mind is the actual launch of PSLV-C6, with the noise of the engine and extreem bright light from the flame that comes out of the rocket engine. Finaly silence comes back and a trail of smoke is left. Then its waiting for the first sign of life from the satellite, what seems to take ages hihi.
I just checked the orbit of Delfi-C3 and the interresting thing that I noticed is that Delfi-C3 and VO-52 are in the same orbit, even the hight is almost the same. This can be interresting as one can hop from one to the other satellite when they are passing.
However, VO-52 is little faster in speed than DELFI-C3 and somewhere in May/June they will be almost at the same place. Wonder how that will work out hihi...
Unfortunatly I have QRL at daytime, but Wednesday and Thursday is QRL off and will have my ear listen to Delfi-C3 and all the other new sats.
Good job to all the teams, Delfi-C3, SEEDS, Cute1.7, Compass-1, AAUSAT-II, and CANX-2
73 PE1RAH William Leijenaar ---
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William Leijenaar