Special congratulations ought to be extended to JH3XCU/1 for soon to become the 8th station worldwide to attain 1000 points in the AO-7 log.
'Special' congratulations are in order because the station concerned has made this magnificent effort WITHOUT ACTUALLY HAVING A QSO.
Quite an acheavement.
Yes, I know it's an "activity" log but it does rather make a mockery of the log when you consider the stations that actually communicate with eachother.
Likewise the stations that claim QSO points but log the transponder as *OFF* are not helping the general statistics page.
The log page does have a link explaining how to correct incorrect entries - (the - "remember me next time" - checkbox needs to be checked).
If you're going to bother to make an entry in the log, you might as well check that you've done it correctly - and if not, rectify it ... otherwise the log won't serve the purpose as it was designed for.
73 John. [email protected]
participants (1)
John Hackett