All are welcome to join us on 3.937 + 8:00 PM CST Thursday evenings. I will also try and link the local repeater K0GPZ-R Echolink node 349368 depending on band conditions. Topics are Satellite and balloons. Fred KF0AK

Arthur Z. Rowe, N1ORZ Silent Key
On or about Tuesday November 6 2007, Arthur Z. Rowe became a Silent Key.
Many of you may know Arthur from his email postings on space related topics on the Amsat and Sarex bulletin boards. Arthur was a good friend and an avid manned space station enthusiast. He was well known by many of the Mir and ISS ham crews.
When I became too busy to post the Marex news, Arthur stepped right in with his own new items to keep us informed. His last Sarex message was posted the day before he became a silent key.
Subject: [sarex] Discovery Undocks From Space Station From: Arthur Rowe azrowe80@xxxxxxxxxxx Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2007 08:47:27 -0500
He will be missed. Bon Voyage, Set course for the first star to the left, then straight on till morning.
73 de WF1F
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At 08:29 PM 11/8/2007, MM wrote:
Arthur Z. Rowe, N1ORZ Silent Key
On or about Tuesday November 6 2007, Arthur Z. Rowe became a Silent Key.
Many of you may know Arthur from his email postings on space related topics on the Amsat and Sarex bulletin boards. Arthur was a good friend and an avid manned space station enthusiast. He was well known by many of the Mir and ISS ham crews.
Dear Friends,
Art was N1ORC. Art lived in the town next to me and we chatted on the local repeater many, many times. You could always count on him to respond to a new antenna test. (I do a lot of those.)
It is very sad to hear of his passing. He was always an avid AMSAT supporter and was the local field rep. AMSAT has lost a dear friend and I will miss him.
73, Tony AA2TX

Though we actually met only once...Arthur was within "earshot" on 145.800 and I could count on him updating me on any of the excitement surrounding MIR and ISS.
He was especially passionate about the space stations and had many personal contacts with the astronauts through sheer perseverance. He was not a "big gun" but utilized minimal equipment and minimal power to accomplish what many dream to do.
A "voice of reason" in the Merrimack Valley of Massachusetts, Arthur was a resource of the latest information about ISS and the Shuttles.
His sudden passing only reinforces the frailty of life and the need to pursue your passions now and not put them off for the future.
Arthur, I among many, will miss you.
Roger WA1KAT
----- Original Message ----- From: "Anthony Monteiro" [email protected] To: "MM" [email protected]; "amsat-bb" [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2007 10:05 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Arthur Z. Rowe, N1ORZ Silent Key
At 08:29 PM 11/8/2007, MM wrote:
Arthur Z. Rowe, N1ORZ Silent Key
On or about Tuesday November 6 2007, Arthur Z. Rowe became a Silent Key.
Many of you may know Arthur from his email postings on space related topics on the Amsat and Sarex bulletin boards. Arthur was a good friend and an avid manned space station enthusiast. He was well known by many of the Mir and ISS ham crews.
Dear Friends,
Art was N1ORC. Art lived in the town next to me and we chatted on the local repeater many, many times. You could always count on him to respond to a new antenna test. (I do a lot of those.)
It is very sad to hear of his passing. He was always an avid AMSAT supporter and was the local field rep. AMSAT has lost a dear friend and I will miss him.
73, Tony AA2TX
Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

Art was one of my first QSOs on 2 meters, he gave me my first signal reports when I got my radio club's repeater in Boston back in operation. He loaned out some of his HF equipment to a (then) new Tech Plus ham to get him on the air, and you could count on him to be on the FM sats or scanning the VHF/UHF bands. I would guess that a large number of people, not only in AMSAT but in the general amateur radio community, were touched by his generosity. He was the embodiment of the Amateur's Code, and I, like many, will morn his passing.
David Goncalves W1EUJ
On 11/8/07, Anthony Monteiro [email protected] wrote:
At 08:29 PM 11/8/2007, MM wrote:
Arthur Z. Rowe, N1ORZ Silent Key
On or about Tuesday November 6 2007, Arthur Z. Rowe became a Silent Key.

I was shocked when I heard this news today. I have many fond memories of working the AMSAT booth at the Boxboro,MA hamfest with Arthur over the last several years. He will be missed in the AMSAT community. He's presence on the FM birds was always a welcome contact by all. N1ORC keep tryin....
73 Jeff kb2m
participants (6)
Anthony Monteiro
David Goncalves
Fred A Parker
Jeff Griffin
Roger Kolakowski