The new amsat mailer has blocked ALL of my previous messages when addressed to [email protected]. Please provide an alternative e-mail address and I'll try to send you the information you asked for in regards to the multiple messages. Thanks!
Greg Higgins KB5GLV

I thought this might be an interesting article. The subject could involve Amateur Satellite communications too. http://www.arrl.org/news/stories/2006/08/15/2/?nc=1
Thanks, 73s de Chip N2YO

On Aug 16, 2006, at 3:13 PM, Ciprian Sufitchi wrote:
I thought this might be an interesting article. The subject could involve Amateur Satellite communications too. http://www.arrl.org/news/stories/2006/08/15/2/?nc=1
Thanks, 73s de Chip N2YO
This guy commenting on the Slashdot article (released one day earlier - ARRL was also slow, if that matters), did some homework, and he's pretty convinced the New Zealand school is just fear-mongering: http://hardware.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=193969&cid=15903842
He links to the two real research articles from the government, and he's not even a journalist -- just a curious person who took five minutes to actually research the story.
ARRL links to nothing, and has some "expert" (N0AX) stating "Yeah, I'm not sure where they'd put the antennas!"
Looks to me like ARRL got played, and is just repackaging the school's press release as a news article, without doing their homework.
-- Nate Duehr - WY0X [email protected]

At 1:13 PM -0500 8/16/06, Greg Higgins wrote:
The new amsat mailer has blocked ALL of my previous messages when addressed to [email protected]. Please provide an alternative e-mail address and I'll try to send you the information you asked for in regards to the multiple messages. Thanks!
If others are having problems and can't report them to me at amsat.org, you can email me at [email protected]
At the moment the problem seems to be only with sbcglobal.net addresses. Possibly other Yahoo and Prodigy users are also served by the same systems. If you're on some other system and having trouble with amsat.org email, please let me know.
73 -Paul [email protected] [email protected]
participants (4)
Ciprian Sufitchi
Greg Higgins
Nate Duehr
Paul Williamson