I will give a presentation for the ThunderBird Amateur Radio Club at their monthly meeting at 7pm on Thursday, 16 September 2010. The club meets in the Snell Building on the south side of the Thunderbird School of Global Management campus. The campus is located on the southeast corner of 59th Avenue and Greenway Road in Glendale. There is more information about the club available at:
Before the meeting, there will be an on-air demonstration. Unlike the presentations I have done for radio clubs in the past, I will use the FO-29 satellite during the pass at 6.12-6.31pm (0112-0131 UTC Friday) that covers most of North America. If you are able to work that pass, please give WD9EWK a call. The meeting site is in grid DM33vo.
Thanks in advance, and 73!
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/
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