ICube-1 reception reports wanted

I have been messaging with Khurram Khurshid the manager of the ICube-1 team and they are struggling a little
".. we received icube for a couple of days using FunCube / HumSat TLE's but not anymore we are looking for our own TLE's but haven't been able to track icube for the past few days"
They may officially ask for assistance but after unexpectedly making the first signal report back on the 21st November, I thought I was just ask if anyone could keep an ear out.
ICube-1 was released as part of the UNISAT-5 payload and if still functional is in CW mode on 145.947MHz and the message is "First Cubesat of Pakistan"
Some info/links
The ICube-1 facebook page
Andrew Garratt M6GTG
participants (1)
Andrew Garratt