AMSAT- Journal (Losted article "Modification of a CDE Tailtwister Control Unit for Satellite Automatic Tracking" by i8CVS

Hi Ed Long ,WA4SWJ
Unfortunately all my messages to you sent to [email protected] were rejected to me several time with about 1 MB of attachements so that I hope you read this letter sent to you via AMSA-BB
This is the problem:
In March 11, 2008 I sent to you text and pictures for my article to be published into the AMSAT-journal:
"Modification of a CDE Tailtwister Control Unit for Satellite Automatic Tracking"
You publisced the article and sent to me by email a pdf file of it from the AMSAT-Journal
Unfortunately I got a crash in my HD and I lost your pdf file with my article.
Can you please send back again to me a new pdf file of it ?
It has been publisched in AMSAT Journal beginning from 2008
Thank you very much in advance !
73" de
i8CVS Domenico
participants (1)