I've received several inquiries about the software that was used to create the ND9M/p road trip grid square plot: http://www.papays.com/nd9m.jpg
The program is a Great Circle Map generator with some very nice features created by SM3GSJ. KD8CAO originally discovered this program and posted info about it on the amsat-bb. It is called GcmWin.
Since that time, Roger has added some functionality that makes it very suitable for those who chase grids. Originally, to plot grid square data, a 6 character grid designation was required. Roger changed it so that 4 character grids were acceptable. In addition, only one set of grid square data could be overlayed on the map. He graciously changed the software so that two different colors from two different grid square files could be plotted. Now you can show your confirmed grids in one color and your worked grids in another. The program has many other features related to propagation that might interest those who work HF.
The homepage for the software is: http://www.qsl.net/sm3gsj/
I am thinking about creating a webpage that could be used as a repository for posting these maps for anyone that is interested in having their plot on line. Let me know if you're interested.
You can view my plot at:
My radius is set at 8200 miles which is a compromise between detail and the maximum distance that can be worked on AO-7. If you decrease the radius, more detail can be shown. You can include grid square numbers if you make the radius small enough. Red is confirmed and Blue is worked. The map doesn't include cards received after 1 Jan 10.
Thanks to Roger SM3GSJ for making this program available!
73, John K8YSE
participants (1)
John Papay