Since AO-85 was launched in October, I have been testing different HTs to see which ones can work this satellite full-duplex and writing about those tests here on the AMSAT-BB list. Other than the ISS U/V cross-band repeater, it has been a long time since we have had a U/V FM satellite (going back to SO-35 in 1999-2001). To make it easier to reference my posts, I'm listing the links to them in the AMSAT-BB archive here...
For the Wouxun KG-UV9D, I posted my first comments about using that on AO-85 early on the Saturday (10 October) following the launch:
After additional testing, I wrote more about this radio last week (Monday, 23 November):
I first wrote about the Wouxun KG-UV8D with AO-85 on the Sunday (11 October) following the launch:
and after additional tests, a post late last Saturday (28 November) evening:
I briefly wrote about the AnyTone TERMN-8R just before the AMSAT Symposium, on 12 October:
and wrote more about it after testing it last Thursday (26 November) evening:
I tried a Puxing PX-UV973 last Friday (27 November), and wrote a report about it that morning:
Not that it really needed to be tested against AO-85, I tried my Kenwood TH-D72A HT the same Friday I had tried the PX-UV973. I posted a report about it late that evening:
None of these reports include the occasions I varied the transmit power from my Icom IC-2820H 2m/70cm FM mobile radio among its 3 levels (5, 15, and 50W) when working AO-85. With all of these radios, my original comments about the KG-UV9D and being able to work AO-85 when the satellite was above 20 degrees elevation appear to be true for all of these radios when used at the 5-watt transmit power level.
I still plan on finding my IC-W32A and DJ-G7T to try with this satellite, as well as trying two-radio combinations. As I try other radios, I'll post my findings here. If anyone else is trying different radios with AO-85, especially HTs (or other radios with low transmitter power levels), please post your findings to this list. The AMSAT-BB archives are open to the public, and searchable via search engines.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/ Twitter: @WD9EWK
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