On today's 1915-1930z pass of FO-29, there was an FM signal coming over the transponder... really loud, S9 at times. I was able to tune in and listen to a net and caught the callsign of the station conducting the net who was in Houston. It was not necessarily his station and/or node that was the problem, the signal could have been coming from any number of nodes across the US that might have been connected.
I am having limited success communicating with the individual who's callsign I heard. I got one reply from his phone in response to a message I sent through the IRLP website. He is apparently not getting any e-mails from me directly despite being the same e-mail address. I'm trying to confirm what reflector & channel(?) he was connected to and then see if there is any way to research with IRLP to find out what other nodes may have been connected at the time. You know, detective work.
Does anyone have experience with this? with IRLP? Anyone know how to research the stations on the IRLP side of things or who to contact? Has anyone there been receptive in the past regarding resolution of interference with the sats? It's all very frustrating as I don't see any central point of contact on their website and not getting any more communication from the one guy I heard in Houston doesn't help either. I made every effort to be polite and respectful in my communications (honey versus vinegar), but with some people that just equates to a license to 'blow you off'. =^)
Thanks in advance for any help... prefer replies off list. 73! Kevin N4UFO
participants (1)
Kevin M