Fwd: Saturday AM Communications Demonstration for 491st Aviation (3 Feb 2007)

Here is another demonstration by Craig KL4E from Alaska, this time for the Alaska State Defense Force (ASDF). If you're able to show up on any of these passes, I'm sure he would appreciate your support for these demonstrations.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/
(forwarded message starts below)
Hello Everyone >>>
This coming Saturday morning, February 3rd, there will be a
communications exhibition for the PQ-13 pilots and support personnel of the 491st Aviation Regiment, ASDF, at Camp Carroll on Fort Richardson, Alaska. We hope to demonstrate several different modes of communication, including amateur radio satellite (Oscar) operations, military VoIP linked to the Port of Anchorage radio network, and the ASDF's First Class e-mail system.
For the satellite portion of the demonstration, I will plan to
be on the AO-51 passes starting at 0847L (1747 UTC) and 1026L (1926 UTC), and on the SO-50 pass beginning at 0937L Alaska Standard Time (1837 UTC).
The members of the 491st and I would be greatly appreciative if you would join us on any or all of these passes to provide a memorable experience for our troops. For those with access to the ASDF military VoIP network, please come up on the named server in the ANC PORT room and/or monitor the Port of Anchorage tactical frequency beginning at 0900L.
Thank you very much for being with us to share different modes
of voice and digital communications with our military aviators.
73, Craig Bledsoe, KL4E
participants (1)