Balloon launch SUnday Southern PA

Balloon chase Sunday morning, Southern PA:
Should hear it over all Midatantic states!
Our balloon will be launched near Chambersburg, PA 9 AM? and will fly across southern PA landing somehwehre near Newark, DE.
It will fly faster than the launch team, so we hope other hams will get to the recovery site before we do and catch it on the way down.
But when you find it, leave it be, so our students can recvover it.
Balloon is W3ADO-11 and will switch to CRASH symbol when near the ground and using WIDE1-1 path. Will use no path at higher altitudes.
Will be on 144.39
Our repeater list is as follows:
100 Chambersburg 443.700+ tone 131
101 Haggerstown 442.650+ tone 79
102 Gettysburg 443.100+ tone 103
103 Frederick 442.800+ tone 97
104 Lancaster 449.275- tone 114
105 449.575- tone 114
106 York 447.275- tone 123
107 Parksburg 442.000+ tone 94
108 Newark DE 449.025- tone 131
109 simplex 446.000
110 Annapolis 444.400+ tone 107
APRS 144.39 (on left side of radio)
participants (1)
Robert Bruninga