SATPC32 settings for receving telemetry of velox -1 satellite

Hi everyone, I have tnc kantronics 9612 I also have icom 9100,.
I have connected my icom 9100 with satpc32 and who is changing the doppler in my icom 9100. i donot know how to proceed further to receive any telemtry from any satellite e.g velox-1.
Can I receive telemetry without TNC and without anyother software? Can I recive beacon signal of any satellite and how to record its its beacon sound in satpc32 software.
Can I receive 50 $ satellite telemtry in satpc32 software. if yes where will be the raw telemtery file located. ICOM 9100 does not have PSK demodulation can I do recive satellite pass with satellite telemtry encoded in PSK but how what will be setting in ICOM 9100.
I am trouble and unable to move ahead ,please help.
.I am new to satellite . I am tracking using yagi antennas.any help regards
participants (1)
shakeel -ur-rehman