On Saturday, 3 May 2008, the Cochise Amateur Radio Association (CARA) will host the annual Larry Warren Cochise Hamfest in Sierra Vista, Arizona (grid DM41vm). The hamfest starts at 7am local time (1400 UTC). CARA has more information about the hamfest at:
As part of the hamfest, there will be an AMSAT table with merchandise and satellite demonstrations. Local hams Jeff K7WIN and Bill K7WJS, assisted by Larry W7LB from Tucson and me (driving down from Phoenix), will be there to answer questions related to amateur satellites and also have on-air demonstrations using the AO-51 and SO-50 satellites during the morning. Thanks to the CARA, our on-air demonstrations will be done using the club's callsign K7RDG. If you hear us on the Saturday morning AO-51 and SO-50 passes, please give us a call.
Between passes, we will be reachable on K7WIN's 70cm repeater, via IRLP and EchoLink. You may reach us on IRLP using node 4754 and on EchoLink at node 4249. If in the area, K7WIN's repeater is on 449.725 MHz, with a -5 MHz offset and 179.9 Hz PL.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/
participants (1)