seems there was a lot more deep-fades. Made decoding a bit more lengthily. Is she spinning? The "Eye" sometimes had a difficult time holding the proper, what I believe is, proper form to make a decode.
A previous pass was the high-speed and got nothing off that with my Funcube
That "FOX-1A Computer RT Battery 12c "FAIL "" is that an issue up there?
This pass I fooled around with the Win-7 sound device settings for the FCDP+ .. I thought I might be seeing some flat-topping on the Sample view of the first tab. It was set at 100. I was able to get down around 15 and still decode. Left it about 90 .
For unattended operation, should I set "Find Signal" ? I have frequency set to 145960 . track doppler (x) was Find Signal but I am not sure if this is desirable.
W/O it, will program center on a 4 to 7 SNR peak all by itself?

Thanks for the comments. "FOX-1A Computer RT Battery 12c "FAIL " is an issue, but we saw it on the ground when testing the Flight Model. So it it a known problem and is only an issue with the measurement system, not the actual hardware. We won't have that issue on Fox-1Cliff and Fox-1D, so you will get to see much more Battery telemetry for them. In fact you can see the difference by looking at the Spacecraft Health tabs for 1Cliff and 1D. Note all the extra telemetry values. These are the ones that are not making it through the Battery I2C bus on Fox-1A.
For unattended operation, you can leave Track Doppler and Find Signal set, but note they are experimental. Please report back on how well they work. If you have the option to receive from an SDR or a real radio with SatPC32 setting the frequency, then you can do that too.
73 Chris
On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 10:33 PM, Bob KD7YZ [email protected] wrote:
seems there was a lot more deep-fades. Made decoding a bit more lengthily. Is she spinning? The "Eye" sometimes had a difficult time holding the proper, what I believe is, proper form to make a decode.
A previous pass was the high-speed and got nothing off that with my Funcube
That "FOX-1A Computer RT Battery 12c "FAIL "" is that an issue up there?
This pass I fooled around with the Win-7 sound device settings for the FCDP+ .. I thought I might be seeing some flat-topping on the Sample view of the first tab. It was set at 100. I was able to get down around 15 and still decode. Left it about 90 .
For unattended operation, should I set "Find Signal" ? I have frequency set to 145960 . track doppler (x) was Find Signal but I am not sure if this is desirable.
W/O it, will program center on a 4 to 7 SNR peak all by itself?
-- 73, Bob KD7YZ www.qrz.com/db/kd7yz AmSat LM#901 _______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of AMSAT-NA. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
participants (2)
Chris Thompson