Re: Offset Correction in SatPC32
I have had that happen myself a couple of times myself, where I thought I was storing the correction, but instead it completely trashed the data, or lost it entirely. I just assumed operator error, and being the paranoid type just restored my most recent backup. It hasn't happened in some time, but I am always looking at the exact circumstances, offsets, transverters, etc, so if it happens again I can reproduce it.
Thanks Alan. I think I used "Change Store:" "Uplink Calibration" instead of "RX/TX Freq Data" and this was when things messed up. I don't really fully understand the difference, but at least it works now. Michael K3MH
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Alan P. Biddle Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 2:30 AM To: AMSAT-BB Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Offset Correction in SatPC32
I have had that happen myself a couple of times myself, where I thought I was storing the correction, but instead it completely trashed the data, or lost it entirely. I just assumed operator error, and being the paranoid type just restored my most recent backup. It hasn't happened in some time, but I am always looking at the exact circumstances, offsets, transverters, etc, so if it happens again I can reproduce it.
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Alan P. Biddle
Michael Hatzakis Jr MD