MiR also known as Yubileiny 2 or RS-40 was built by students and research staff of the Siberian State Aerospace University.
PE0SAT reports the downlink is 435.365 MHz http://www.pe0sat.vgnet.nl/tag/yubileiny-2/
73 Trevor M5AKA

On 29-07-2012 12:49, Trevor . wrote:
Hi Trevor,
MiR also known as Yubileiny 2 or RS-40 was built by students and research staff of the Siberian State Aerospace University.
PE0SAT reports the downlink is 435.365 MHz http://www.pe0sat.vgnet.nl/tag/yubileiny-2/
Also thanks to the Amsat-DL mailinglist and specially Maik Hermenau (http://www.satellitenwelt.de/).
At the moment signals are only heard when the satellite is in range of its groundstation.
During the pass of 29-juli-2012 10:24 UTC I heard signals on the following frequenties, 435.265.000 MHz FM and 435.365.000 MHz FM. The signals sounded like Doka-B.
73 Trevor M5AKA
73 Jan PE0SAT

Wouldn't it be nice if we could decode all those signals that are transmitted by the Russian Satellites.
Not to mention a Linear Transponder, the signals are very strong and always a nice long pass.
Here you can find my latest information: http://www.pe0sat.vgnet.nl/2012/i-received-date-from-rs-40/
73 Jan PE0SAT

--- On Sun, 29/7/12, PE0SAT | Amateur Radio [email protected] wrote:
Wouldn't it be nice if we could decode all those signals that are transmitted by the Russian Satellites.
Yes it's most unfortunate the downlink protocol is kept secret and they don't go through IARU frequency coordination.
Not to mention a Linear Transponder, the signals are very strong and always a nice long pass.
I know, every time a new RS satellite goes up I live in hope that it'll have a 145 to 29 MHz linear transponder.
I believe the command uplink frequency is in 145 MHz band but I've not seen any exact frequencies published.
73 Trevor M5AKA
participants (2)
PE0SAT | Amateur Radio
Trevor .