Bad news.... Cuban Satellite Group First Meeting postponed

Due to the severe impact caused by Hurricane Sandy last week to the eastern provinces of Cuba we were asked to postpone the "GROS National Meeting" we had scheduled for November 8th to 11th.
The Meeting location at Camagüey did not receive any damage but the provinces of "Santiago de Cuba", "Holguín" and "Guantánamo" were badly affected and many houses, schools and factories loss their roofs or were damaged by fallen trees. Several ham radio operators lost their houses.
Most of the state resources are now been prioritized to assist to the people of this three provinces that lost their houses. Under this circumstances we were asked to reschedule the National Meeting and the Coordination Board agreed with the request as a solidarity to our colleagues.
Many other activities the National Amateur Radio Federation (F.R.C.) had scheduled were also postponed included its National Council.
We are working on possible dates not sooner than January. We sorry all the inconvenience and the G.R.O.S. Coordination Board (Grupo de Radioaficionados para Operaciones Satelitales) will announce the new date when possible.
We still have great hopes with this First Meeting and during this extra months we will work harder to improve our work and make it better.
G.R.O.S. Coordination Board
--- Este mensaje ha sido enviado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que ofrece la Federacion de Radioaficionados de Cuba a sus miembros para respaldar el cumplimiento de los objetivos de la organizacion y su politica informativa. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas.
participants (1)
Raidel Abreu Espinet