WD9EWK @ Tucson Hamfest and Fly-In, Saturday (6 October)

I will have an AMSAT table at the new Tucson Hamfest and Fly-In, hosted by the Oro Valley Amateur Radio Club. The hamfest will be next Saturday, 6 October 2012, between 0700 and 1300 local time (1400-2000 UTC). This hamfest will be at a new location northwest of Tucson, at the Marana Regional Airport along Avra Valley Road west of I-10 exit 242. More information is available at:
I will have on-air demonstrations throughout the hamfest, starting with an SO-50 pass just before the official 1400 UTC start of the event. I will work passes on that satellite, as well as VO-52 and FO-29, until an AO-27 pass just before the 2000 UTC end of the hamfest. For the SSB satellites, I will try to start out around 10 kHz +/- above the center of the transponder. If you hear WD9EWK on those passes, please call and be a part of the demonstrations. The hamfest site is in grid DM42jj. If you work WD9EWK next Saturday and would like to receive a QSL card, please e-mail me with the QSO details. QSOs will also be uploaded to Logbook of the World after the hamfest.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/
participants (1)