AMSAT-UK Colloquium - UK MoonLITE Mission
Dr Rob Gowen will give the keynote speech "Science Penetrators for the UK MoonLITE mission" at the AMSAT-UK Colloquium.
The 23rd AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium will be held at the University of Surrey, Guildford, England from Friday 25th until Sunday 27th July.
Dr Rob Gowen, Department of Space & Climate Physics (Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London and Coordinator of the UK Lunar Penetrator Consortium) will give the keynote speech on "Science Penetrators for the UK MoonLITE mission".
MoonLITE will be the first ever UK lunar mission. The presentation by Dr Rob Gowen takes place at 2:30 pm on Friday 25th July in the University of Surrey Management Building lecture theatre.
The Colloquium is open to all Radio Amateurs and SWL's. Either day passes or full packages comprising overnight accommodation and meals are available. An online booking service is available with PayPal, Visa and Master Card payments accepted.
For further details see
A site map showing location of the Management Building and the adjacent main car park and conference visitors parking can be seen at
Travel information:
AMSAT-UK Tel: +44 (0)1258 453959 Email: [email protected] ---- Missile practice for Moon mission
Britain's Moon shot takes shape
73 Trevor M5AKA ----
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