I would've like to use N connectors, but the equipment has PL-259, and I don't want the losses from an adapter.
Because of the reputation of PL-259 connectors above 2 meters, i doubt you will find commercially made feedline with high quality coax and PL-259 connectors. But unless you can completely keep water out of your fancy coax (or even 9913), after a modest number of years, it may end up having worse loss than RG-8... And the popular wisdom is that even N-connectors are hard enough to make water tight.
Here's a compromise: Use N-connectors outside, where you NEED things to be weather-resistant, and use whatever-matches-your-radio inside. The only problem with that is you'll probably have to make this feedline yourself, or maybe find someone locally who can do it for you.
By the way, a satellite radio having PL-259 for 2 meters and N-connector for 70 cm may not be such a bad thing; it makes it harder to plug in the wrong antennas. Nonetheless, you might also think about which is likely to have greater losses at 70cm and above, a homemade PL-259 plug or an adapter to an N-connector. 73's and good luck!
P.S. N-connectors and PL-259's share this characteristic: Some people swear by them and other people swear at them...
participants (1)
John Mock KD6PAG