Listening on 149.990MHz and aiming by hand roughly at the part of the sky where gpredict told me there was one, I could hear what sounded like a slow MFSK mode with a distinctive rhythm, punctuated by odd "burbles".
Is that what they sound like?
Gordon MM0YEQ
Yes, it is 35 telemetry values conveyed as an offset of a tone between about 2000 to 3000 KHz I think it repeats evey 2 minutes.
Listening on 149.990MHz and aiming by hand roughly at the part
of the
sky where gpredict told me there was one, I could hear what sounded like a slow MFSK mode with a distinctive rhythm, punctuated by odd "burbles".
Is that what they sound like?
Gordon MM0YEQ
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participants (2)
Gordon JC Pearce
Robert Bruninga