Funcube - an observation

Most everyone knows about Funcube and how successful it has been. If you look at the Funcube Warehouse page you will see that many hams around the world are uploading data from the satellite every day. As of this morning I counted 493 different ground stations and they have uploaded more than 1.15 Million data packets since late November. About half of the stations are located in the US and Britain. The other half are spread out around the world showing that this is not just something that has interested those in the UK. Thirty- three stations have each uploaded more than 10,000 packets!
In addition I have to give accolades to Mark Spencer, WA8SME, at the ARRL for his excellent paper describing Funcube, its experiments and how to receive it and make sense of the data. Most everyone on the birds asks about what antennas work best. Mark seeks to quantify the performance of some common antennas like the M2 circular polarized beam, Arrows on rotors or fixed, with or without preamps, 5/8 wave and 1/4 wave ground planes. He does that by comparing the number of packets received on each antenna during a pass. The results are quite interesting. You can download the paper at:
Mark is the reason that the Teacher's Institute has been so successful. If you operate on the satellites you probably have heard his student teachers making contacts on the birds. When he was living on the west coast he went to DN01 and DN00 and put them on the birds for those of us that chase grids. After moving to the east coast he has continued the work with satellites at the League and has developed hardware for satellites including the FT817 interface and most recently a portable az/el rotator system. We see articles about satellites in QST Magazine on a regular basis and I'm sure it is because of his representation at the League. The younger generation is the future of AMSAT and Mark's work is certainly making a difference in terms of introducing them to satellites.
The Funcube team and G6LVB have certainly encouraged our young people to get interested in ham radio and satellites. The Funcube SDR was a great fundraiser and facilitated students in their quest to receive data from space and learn from the experiments on board. Congratulations to everyone involved in the highly successful Funcube project.
73, John K8YSE

A bit more technical detail on the FC Data Warehouse for those that are interested.
Its a pair of Java Enterprise Web Applications using the following technologies:
Spring 3, providing: RESTful web services Security Model-View-Controller JPA/Hibernate Integration
Mysql 5 Server running with a master and slave of two separate Virtual Machines so that we can warm-start
HiCharts graphing libraries:
The Web Interface is written using a mixture of Java Server Pages and jQuery
Both services are running on a single Tomcat 7 / Java 7 instance on an Ubuntu Virtual Machine hosted by
I'm pleased to announce that the sources are available at: (the data processor) and (the User Interface)
They are built using the Eclipse IDE.
This will probably be moved at some point when we host more of the code to GitHub
If you want any more details, please let me know.
Dave, G4DPZ FUNcube Warehouse Deseigner / Developer

I have over 100 emails saved on A0 73 and can not find the one I need, so what is new.
Is it apx plus 10 khz or minus 10 Khz offset on the RIT to zero in on AO 73?
The pass last night around 0940 and could not find the combonation! heard AC0RA (?) very strong.
Thanks guys for all your help.
God Bless

Is there anyway to auto-start the data capture? I'm trying to fully automate the telemetry capture and can start the dashboard when the satellite rises and kill the process when it sets, but can't auto start "Capture from FUNcube Dongle". Could this be added to a future release?
Tnx, Ken, W7KKE
participants (4)
David A B Johnson
John Papay
Ken Swaggart