Hello to all. My little contribution for an explanation about the doppler effect.... 73, Daniel F6CDZ loc: JN39BE
Doppler effect
The Doppler effect is an immediate gap of the received frequency when the distance varies between the point of broadcast and the point of reception. The variation of frequency depends on the relative speed of link or on estrangement between the satellite and the station ground, of the angle of movement and the emitted frequency.
The Doppler effect varies with the position of the satellite on its orbit, because the relative speed varies with this position. The frequency increases when the satellite approaches, it decreases when it goes away from the observer.
The "simple" formula is :
F real = F nom (1 + V/C)
V = relative speed of the sat on Km/s
C = light speed (300.000 Km/s)
1+ or 1- depending of the direction sat/operator (to the operator or from the operator)
Mode NORmal and REVerse :
¾ NOR : if I increase 1 KHz on VHF, the UHF increases also of 3 KHz => total gap (+1 + +3) = + 4 KHz
¾ INV(REV) : if I increase 1 KHz on VHF, the UHF decreases of 3 KHz => total gap (+1 - 3) = - 2 KHz

At 08:16 PM 1/9/2010, Daniel F6CDZ wrote:
F real = F nom (1 + V/C) V = relative speed of the sat on Km/s C = light speed (300.000 Km/s)
Note that only the component of V that is towards or away from the operator affects the frequency. For example, at TCA, the satellite is still moving at around 7.5km/s relative to the observer, but the motion is neither towards or away from the observer, so at that instant, the Doppler shift is zero.
73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL http://vkradio.com
participants (2)
Daniel F6CDZ
Tony Langdon