NASA needs amateur help with IMAGE spacecraft recovery

The following was seen on the seesat-l mailing list. Drop me a note off list for Scott's e-mail address.
73 de KM1P Joe
From: Scott Tilley via Seesat-l <> Date: Fri, 11 May 2018 08:49:49 -0700 Hi All
Earlier this week I again recovered IMAGE on S-band. The spacecraft started a series of eclipses and the first one appeared to cause IMAGE to reboot and start transmitting again. After the initial recovery in January of this year IMAGE faded away in late February.
NASA is now trying to reestablish control of the spacecraft and has been actively attempting with some success to have the spacecraft accept commands over the last couple of days.
A number of phenomenon have been observed that has challenged the ground controllers to understand what is going on with the spacecraft and they have asked for amateurs to contribute s-band signal data particularly as the spacecraft passes through eclipse.
If you have access to equipment and are suitability located to contribute observations please contact me for more information and support in sharing your observations with NASA.
Scott Tilley
participants (1)
Joe Fitzgerald