AMSAT at Yuma (Arizona) Hamfest, 14-15 February 2020
AMSAT will be at the Yuma Hamfest, which is also serving as the 2020 ARRL Southwestern Division Convention, on Friday and Saturday, 14-15 February 2020. The hamfest will be at the Yuma County Fairgrounds, along 32nd Street, across the street from Yuma International Airport and Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, south of Interstate 8. More about the hamfest is available at:
WD9EWK will be on the satellites during the hamfest, demonstrating satellite operating. If you hear WD9EWK on a pass, please call and join in the demonstration. The hamfest site is in grid DM22, in Arizona's Yuma County. QSOs made during the hamfest will be uploaded to Logbook of the World, and QSL cards are available on request (please e-mail me directly with the QSO details).
I will tweet updates from the hamfest using my @WD9EWK Twitter account. If you do not use Twitter, you can see the tweets in a web browser at:
In addition to the AMSAT presence in Yuma, AMSAT member Dave Bartholomew AD7DB will give a presentation "Getting Started on FM Satellites" on Saturday (15 February) morning at the hamfest. Dave's presentation is scheduled for 10.20am that morning.
Thanks, and 73!
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK Twitter: @WD9EWK or
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