AMSAT Forum at Dayton Hamvention Videos Ready to be Viewed On-line

AMSAT has posted five videos filmed at the 2010 Dayton Hamvention. Don't get the ANS e-mails? Check out to remedy the situation ... see bulletin below ...
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-164.03 AMSAT Forum at Dayton Hamvention Videos Ready to be Viewed On-line
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 164.03
June 13, 2010 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-164.03
If you weren't able to attend the Dayton Hamvention this year, you missed five interesting and informative presentations at the AMSAT Forum. The complete presentations are now available on the AMSAT website at From the menu on the left side of the home page, select "AMSAT Video News".
The direct link to the AMSAT Video News Page is:
Here's what you'll find:
Barry Baines, WD4ASW, AMSAT President, "AMSAT Status Report" AMSAT President Barry Baines highlights current activities within AMSAT and discusses some of the challenges facing the organization.
Drew Glasbrenner, KO4MA, AMSAT VP Operations, "AMSAT Satellite Oper- ations and International Satellite Operations". Drew discussed oper- ational AMSAT satellites and described new and future international Satellites.
Mike Forsythe, AC2V, "Integrating Satellite Operations into DXpeditions" Mike, K4T Team Leader described the planning and execution of the K4T DXpedition, and how to have satellite operations be a major part of DXpeditions, involving youth and making it all work on green power!
Gould Smith, WA4SXM, AMSAT VP User Services, "Getting ARISSat-1 Ready to Fly". Gould is the AMSAT Project Manager for ARISSat-1 and talked about the evolution of SuitSat-2 to ARRISat-1, the current status of the satellite project, and the testing and delivery of two satellites to Russia in July.
Roger Westgate, WC2R, "NextGen CubeSat Program Update". Roger delivered the update prepared by Alex Harvilchuck, N3NP, a Systems Engineer with IBM and the NextGen CubeSat Program Manager. A team of engineering students from the State University of New York (SUNY) at Binghamton have been modifying the power systems from ARISSat-1 for use in a 3U CubeSat with a U/V linear trans- ponder, for AMSAT.
The files are in Windows Media Video (.wmv) format and will work with Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player on a PC, Safari and QuickTime (with .wmv plug-in) under OS X on an Apple Macintosh, and with a .wmv player under Linux or other operating system.
Credits: Video and audio recording: Patrick Stoddard WD9EWK and Douglas Quagliana KA2UPW Moderator: Alan Biddle WA4SCA Video server: Rob Meisse W8REM and Gunther Meisse W8GSM Webmaster: Rick Hambly W2GPS Video editor: Steve Belter N9IP
[ANS thanks Steve Belter, N9IP for the above information]
-- 73 de JoAnne K9JKM [email protected] Editor, AMSAT News Service Copy Editor, AMSAT Journal
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JoAnne Maenpaa