Many thanks for all the reports.
Douglas KA2UPW/5 wrote -
Last month the clock was about 74 days slow, but it is now about 81 days off.
I suspect it probably stops during eclipses. It's lost about seven days in 63. That's probably around the total eclipse times. At the present time it's very stable at 81.36403 days slow.
In the past UO-11 also used to send stored ASCII bulletins as well, but I think that capability of the satellite ended when the spacecraft computer turned off. Anyone know for sure?
AFAIK, the computer was used to control the diary schedule, which enabled the satellite to capture and transmit many types of data, including a text bulletin. Before the computer switched off, it became difficult to command the satellite to upload the bulletins.
Clive G3CWV
Hitchin, North Hertfordshire, UK.

It's nice to hear the sound form "old" friend again!
Heard UO-11 loud and clear during 23:11 - 23:24 UTC 2008-01-24 GL: PL04vq (Yi-Lan, Taiwan)
Here is a good frame decoded at 23:16
UOSAT-2 0711046023212
000000010001020002030003040004050005060006070007080008090009 100001110000120003130002140005150004160007170006180009190008 20000221000322000023000124000625000726000427000528000A29000B 30000331000232000133000034000735000636000537000438000B39000A 40000441000542000643000744000045000146000247000348000C49000D 50000551000452000753000654000155000056000357000258000D59000C 60800E615FC1620004633341644402651E0C662AC467000168000E69000F
73 de Edward / BX1AD -----
participants (2)
Clive Wallis
Edward Chuang