SATPC32 GS-232 Rotor Control Protocol

A student is trying to build a rotor control to work with SATPC32 via COM1.
He wants it to use the "Waaa eee" (AZ/EL) or the AZaaa ELeee Easycomm formats.
When we set SATPC32 to track a satellite, it does not seem to send any elevation and only uses the Maaa Azimuth output.
How do we tell SATPC32 to output both AZ and EL in either format?

SatPC32 doesn't output azimuth and elevation via a COM port but via DDE to little interface programs (such as 'ServerSDX.exe' or 'ServerEcomm1.exe'). These little programs convert the output to the protocol of the particular controller and output it to the controller via a (selectable) COM port. This way I don't need to specify all possible protocols in the main program and don't need to update the main program if a new controller is to be added.
To get azimuth and elevation in the Yaesu format (Waaa eee) choose item 'Yaesu_GS-232', to get the EasyComm1 format ( 'AZaaa.a ELeee.e') choose item 'SAEBRTrackBox' from the list of supported controllers and interfaces in menu 'Rotor Setup'. Click the upper 'Store' button to save the changes. At a program re-start the main program will automatically start 'ServerSDX.exe', 'ServerEComm1' rsp. Click on the symbol in the taskline to show the program normally and in its 'Setup' window choose COM port and baudrate. Save the changes and re-start the program once again.
73s, Erich, DK1TB
Am 28.01.2019 um 22:18 schrieb Robert Bruninga:
A student is trying to build a rotor control to work with SATPC32 via COM1.
He wants it to use the "Waaa eee" (AZ/EL) or the AZaaa ELeee Easycomm formats.
When we set SATPC32 to track a satellite, it does not seem to send any elevation and only uses the Maaa Azimuth output.
How do we tell SATPC32 to output both AZ and EL in either format?
Bob _______________________________________________ Sent [email protected]. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of AMSAT-NA. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings:
participants (2)
Erich Eichmann
Robert Bruninga