I have used HRD for years and love it. Here is how I log satellite and ISS on HRD.
You have to have your location (QTH) set up.
Click the Ant/Sat tab, type in the satellite name in the box.
Click the Propagation tab, the Prop Mode must be “Satellite” from the pull down menu.
Freq. is the uplink Freq. and is not part of what LOTW looks at.
If the Locator box defaults to FM19, click the QRZ tab to get his actual grid. When you do a correction, this happens, his grid changes to FM19, which is the center of the US.
Upload to LOTW as normal
After roving, you have to go into TQSL and set up a new location (grid square, state) Name it the grid square from which you worked. (Or you could name it a location, like “Home,” “Rochelle.”)
When you upload those QSO’s to LOTW, type in the grid square or squares from which you operated, in the” Station Location” box. For a grid line type it this way: “EN52,62” with no spaces. If you have an error, it will show you. Make sure you change back to “Home” for the next QTH upload.
Log into ARRL site, Logbook of The World site, or ARRL site and click LOTW on left, or go to LOTW.ARRL.org and log in.
You can click Your QSO’s and do a search for any QSO’s that you want to find, by call.
Click “Most Recent QSL’s” to see confirmed QSL’s.
Click “Most Recent QSO’s to see what QSO’s are confirmed. A blue “United States” or country name means the QSO has been confirmed. You can download from HRD.
You can click “Your Account” and then “Your Activity” and see your last uploads. Click “Result” to see the details of the upload.
Click AWARDS to see your grids for VUCC, etc.
participants (1)
Brad Smith