Link requirements for LEOS
Maybe a dumb, maybe a redundant question that has been asked and answered multiple times, but here goes.
What sort of link requirements are required to work the current crop of LEOS in terms of antenna options and commercially available omni antennas?
I was quite active in the early 90's on the Ko23 and Uo22 birds, ended up with a steerable array (Cushcraft ones), and that worked fine, but wanted to take another run at working the current crop with something a little less demanding in terms of getting up in the air and steering.
I've been reading a bit about the M2 Eggbeaters, which seem to pretty good, but wondering what sort of operating result I would get driving them with a bare 10 watts out of a FT 726 for a 2 meter up-link and perhaps a preamp on the 70cm side.
I'd appreciate any observations, comments, results, hints, tips, or whatever you would care to share.
Steve N6CRR/VK8SO (from back in the day)
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Steven O'Neal