They'll be new signals to listen out for on 437 MHz following Thursdays amateur radio CubeSat launch from Vandenberg, Frequencies, preliminary TLE's and additional information is at:
The CubeSat IRC chat channel is the place to be on launch day. Join the CubeSat IRC chat channel to pass on their news and comments in realtime. You will need an IRC client such as ChatZilla for Firefox or mIRC to join the CubeSat chat. Use the irc.freenode.net server. Then join the #cubesat channel. Many users set their chat nickname to “name_callsign”.
AMSAT-UK publishes a color A4 newsletter, OSCAR News, which is full of Amateur Satellite information. Free sample issue at http://www.uk.amsat.org/on_193_final.pdf
Join AMSAT-UK online at http://tinyurl.com/JoinAMSAT-UK
73 Trevor M5AKA
participants (1)
Trevor .