Dear All,
I have been trying a few digipeaters recently but only got success on Falconsat 3 and MIR-SAT 1 at 9k6.
Tried many birds on 145.825 MHz 1k2 including the ISS without success. I may be doing something wrong in spite lot of success with the ISS and others in the past.
Can anyone confirm which bird is really active on APRS 2m?
thanks beforehand.
Jean Marc (3B8DU)

Jean-Marc, the ISS has not been active for several days.you can check their aprs activity at ariss.netYou can also see the activity status of various satellites at https://amsat.org/status 73s by LW8EXS
----- Mensaje reenviado ----- De: Jean Marc Momple [email protected]Para: Amsat BB [email protected]Enviado: lunes, 28 de marzo de 2022 14:41:24 ARTAsunto: [AMSAT-BB] APRS/Digipeaters help needed Dear All,
I have been trying a few digipeaters recently but only got success on Falconsat 3 and MIR-SAT 1 at 9k6.
Tried many birds on 145.825 MHz 1k2 including the ISS without success. I may be doing something wrong in spite lot of success with the ISS and others in the past.
Can anyone confirm which bird is really active on APRS 2m?
thanks beforehand.
Jean Marc (3B8DU)
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participants (2)
Jean Marc Momple
Pablo J. M. - LW8EXS