ELaNa-20 (including FOX-1E) Preliminary TLEs?

Just wondering if any of the team from FOX-1E would be able to share any preliminary TLEs for the upcoming launch, if they have any? This will help us schedule up observations on the SatNOGS network (and of course help other listeners too!).
Even if the launch is bumped by a few hours these TLEs will still be useful, we can just bump them in time if necessary (using the process here: https://gist.github.com/darksidelemm/60dd22c74ebe2e6d89bae9e6a845da5e#but-wa... )
Post-deployment TLEs or state vectors (once they are available) would also be very useful!
73 Mark VK5QI

On 1/12/2021 05:19, Mark Jessop wrote:
Just wondering if any of the team from FOX-1E would be able to share any preliminary TLEs for the upcoming launch, if they have any? This will help us schedule up observations on the SatNOGS network (and of course help other listeners too!).
Post-deployment TLEs or state vectors (once they are available) would also be very useful!
Hi Mark,
I would like to provide you and everyone else the pre-launch information that we have. The fact is that what we do have is useful for generating TLE but even now there is some uncertainty or perhaps I should say inaccuracy. I hope that we will get updated info when launch is settled.
BUT... (the big eraser)
I am constrained (AMSAT) in divulging any information about the launch, per our contract/agreements with Virgin Orbit, TriSept, and NASA. That is nothing new, I think you'd have to go back several years to find the last time things weren't held so close. That means that whatever we have I cannot "make it public" until the launch vehicle provider (they always seem to be the head honcho in controlling info) lets TriSept/NASA know and TriSept/NASA lets me know that whatever information is now approved for us to release to the public. That may some times and more often than not with VO, as you have seen their tweets about the launch, come before anything we are given blessing to say. I watch VO tweets just to keep up with what we can expect.
I always ask when we are given info in fact that is to the extent that it is now the norm for NASA to include "this information [is/is not] public and it saves me and them a couple of emails. I would sure like to share whatever I know all along but I'm good with their rules and learned that the hard way with Fox-1A and a few reminders along the Fox trail to this launch. The bottom line then, is that I/AMSAT would be acting in a very irresponsible way to do something like this and spoil the relationships we have built along the way and that have brought us some great opportunities in the space game to do so. Not to mention whatever penalties might arise from a contract violation, if we really teed them off.
I would urge everyone to follow VO tweets and on launch day watch the nasabare.txt TLE just prior to launch, maybe 30 minutes after launch (I have no idea what or when the deploy ballet will be after they get to orbit), and maybe 15 minutes after we are deployed. Follow AMSAT as well, me too as I like to scoop Paul/Robert now and then and let them retweet me, and watch -bb too. You can be really busy like I will! hihi Of course if you don't see anything at the intervals I suggested, add 15 minutes to them and try again on the nasabare elements. I don't think anyone will crash the server but Joe F. can speak to that if he has another preference for hitting up for nasabare.
Whatever transpires we sure want to do everything we can so that everyone can have the elements ASAP to help catch "First (digital) Veronica" and win a special QSL card, in addition to making a bunch of Engineers happy. It's all ham radio but I have to do it in the framework of the modern era of space business.
Also, I understand that VO intends to use Twitter primarily, for their public launch activity portal. That may change or may have changed already, just throwing that in FAYI. (For All Y'alls Information)
Jerry Buxton, NØJY

Downloading http://www.amsat.org/tle/current/nasabare.txt does not put much of a strain on the server, so feel free to click reload as often as you want. If you get a notion to write a script, checking every minute or two would be fine.
de KM1P Joe

What name are we going to initially put in nasabare.txt? FoxTelem was shipped with the keps name of "Fox-1E". That can be changed of course, but it would be the best initial name. Once it has an Oscar number people can update as needed.
73 Chris
On Tue, Jan 12, 2021 at 4:17 PM Joseph B. Fitzgerald < [email protected]> wrote:
Downloading http://www.amsat.org/tle/current/nasabare.txt does not put much of a strain on the server, so feel free to click reload as often as you want. If you get a notion to write a script, checking every minute or two would be fine.
de KM1P Joe
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It is known by the mission name, RadFxSat-2. Fox-1E as the previous were, is only an internal way to distinguish one build from another. Once the object is identified it will be given its AO-number for the Space-Track catalog, of course. Were it not to gain an AO-number for some reason, RadFxSat-2 would be in the catalog.
Jerry Buxton, NØJY
On 1/13/2021 20:35, Chris Thompson wrote:
What name are we going to initially put in nasabare.txt? FoxTelem was shipped with the keps name of "Fox-1E". That can be changed of course, but it would be the best initial name. Once it has an Oscar number people can update as needed.

Yes it is a good idea to standardize on the name. We will use "RadFxSat-2" unless/until an Oscar number is assigned. Initially will put it at the top of the file to make it easy to find.
Of course the other issue is that we won't have a proper object number initally, so we will use 99999
de KM1P Joe

Just a reminder that if you want FoxTelem/Fox-in-a-box to be set up and ready for these downloads, you need to go to the "Spacecraft" menu and select Fox-1E. Then under "Name (for Keps)" change "Fox-1E" to "RadFxSat-2". Feel free to change the "Display Name" to RadFxSat-2 also, or anything else that you want. That is what will appear on the tab beside "Input"
On Wed, Jan 13, 2021 at 9:54 PM Joseph B. Fitzgerald < [email protected]> wrote:
Yes it is a good idea to standardize on the name. We will use "RadFxSat-2" unless/until an Oscar number is assigned. Initially will put it at the top of the file to make it easy to find.
Of course the other issue is that we won't have a proper object number initally, so we will use 99999
de KM1P Joe
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I haven't see an update to the launch window for today -- what time does it open and does weather look 'go'?

More info here... looks like Sunday
On Sat, Jan 16, 2021 at 11:00 AM Keith E. Brandt, WD9GET [email protected] wrote:
I haven't see an update to the launch window for today -- what time does it open and does weather look 'go'?
-- Keith E Brandt, WD9GET
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With some of the details for the orbit, Cees Bassa has calculated a TLE set for the ELaNa 20 cubesats (including FOX-1E).
Disclaimer: This TLE set may not be fully accurate but it is the best we have until any satellite team or virgin orbit publish something better.
1 79001U 21017.82222222 .00000000 00000-0 50000-4 0 02 2 79001 61.0000 134.0000 0000727 0.0000 160.0000 15.20776870 00
More details and TLE updates can be found in: https://community.libre.space/t/virgin-orbit-launcherone-elana-20-2021-01-17...
73, fredy
On 1/12/21 1:19 PM, Mark Jessop wrote:
Just wondering if any of the team from FOX-1E would be able to share any preliminary TLEs for the upcoming launch, if they have any? This will help us schedule up observations on the SatNOGS network (and of course help other listeners too!).
Even if the launch is bumped by a few hours these TLEs will still be useful, we can just bump them in time if necessary (using the process here: https://gist.github.com/darksidelemm/60dd22c74ebe2e6d89bae9e6a845da5e#but-wa... https://gist.github.com/darksidelemm/60dd22c74ebe2e6d89bae9e6a845da5e#but-wait-the-launch-has-been-delayed)
Post-deployment TLEs or state vectors (once they are available) would also be very useful!
73 Mark VK5QI
Sent via AMSAT-BB(a)amsat.org. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of AMSAT-NA. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
View archives of this mailing list at https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected] To unsubscribe send an email to amsat-bb-leave(a)amsat.org Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at https://mailman.amsat.org

The elements Freddy posted are not official in any way, and AMSAT was not involved in their production.
That being said, we believe they will be useful for rough planning purposes. The satellite may be a early or late by a matter of minutes with respect to the prediction.
de KM1P Joe
participants (8)
Alfredos (fredy) Damkalis
Brian Wilkins
Burns Fisher
Chris Thompson
Jerry Buxton
Joseph B. Fitzgerald
Keith E. Brandt, WD9GET
Mark Jessop